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Microneedling Post Instructions


Micro-Needling Post Procedure


Immediately after your Micro-Needling procedure, do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation. Follow these simple steps:


Day of procedure: No lotions, makeup or other topical products on your face before your procedure. After your procedure your medical provider may apply a lipo-peptide booster, skin moisturizer, and sun screen. You may clean your face with a gentle cleanser before bed.


Day 1: On the next day, you may clean your face as usual and apply makeup, lotions and other topical products as usual. Stay away from exfoliants or glycolic acids that are present in cleaners as these can make your skin very dry after the procedure. Be sure to use an approved SPF30 or greater sunscreen!

Days 2-7: Within two (2) days following your Micro-Needling procedure, you will notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. During this period, you may apply your regular skin moisturizer. Follow the instructions given to you by your medical professional. If your medical professional used the roller or needle device around the eyes, you may have a little micro bruising that may exist for three or four days. This can easily be covered with makeup.

Days later, your skin will start shedding. These are skin layers that would regularly shed a week later, but the Micro-Needling brings this skin to the surface sooner. During this temporary process, your skin will shed and be dry.

Days 7+: A week after the Micro-Needling procedure, most patients notice that their skin is smoother and more radiant.


Results vary, but usually a course of 1-3 treatments (maximum of 5, depending on the condition being treated) is typically recommended. If you require MORE procedures than this, you may have an unrecognized underlying medical condition and should consult with your provider. Of course, results may vary from patient to patient. Keep in mind that the healthier your body is, the better will be the results you achieve from a Micro-Needling procedure. Your body's function and overall health are reflected in your skin.


Compassionate Health Med Spa
361 Main Street
Wareham, MA 02571
Phone: 774-273-7794
Fax: 508-291-9907

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